Erica (she/her) is a member of Sparrow’s Customer Experience team. Let’s get to know Erica!
How did you get to where you are?
I studied mechanical engineering in college with the intention to eventually work in product design for assistive technology. My favorite part of the design process was always learning about how people interacted with products and getting the chance to understand users’ needs. After graduating, I worked in a client-facing engineering role, and I realized that I liked working directly with customers and collaborating to solve their problems. When I was introduced to Sparrow, I was excited to bring my interests and experience to the mission-oriented context of leave management!
What is a fun fact about you?
I played lacrosse from second grade all the way through college! It was something I tried randomly in elementary school. No one else in my family played and I didn’t even know what it was, but it ended up sticking with me.
Why did you join Sparrow?
I joined Sparrow because of its mission to create a stress-free leave experience and its company culture. During the interview process, everyone I spoke with jumped at the chance to shout out their fellow team members. In addition, having no prior experience with leave management, I was excited to become an expert in a whole new topic from scratch!
What did your team do to support you in your first month?
In my first month (and even my first week!) at Sparrow, several members of the Customer Experience team personally reached out to welcome me and encourage me to ask questions during the training process. It was a great feeling to know so early on that Sparrow would be a friendly place to learn and grow.
What are you doing this weekend?
This weekend, I’ll be spending some time with family and then taking a trip to DC for a WNBA game!
What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home?
I spent a summer living and interning in Singapore, which gave me plenty of time to connect with friends and explore both local and touristy attractions. I definitely miss the milk tea and kaya toast breakfasts!
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